flutter auto import packages extension.
How to work
Run the flutterautoimport command from the Command Palette (⇧⌘P)
Auto Import
Automatically finds files, add import line when your execute the Command Palette (⇧⌘P) and select packages.
filesToScan - Glob for which files in your workspace to scan, defaults to '**/*.{dart, d}'
showNotifications - Controls if the annoying notifications should be shown, defaults to false
doubleQuotes - Use double quotes rather than single
spaceBetweenBraces - Difference between import {test} and import { test }
useSemiColon - Use ; at the end of a line e.g Import * from ./app or Import * from ./app; - Default True
- Basic function, auto import select packages import in first line of current edit file .
- auto make the imports formal
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