How to Turn Your Raspberry Pi 4B into an Edge Controller
Follow these steps:
Install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (64-bit) on your Raspberry Pi 4B. Ensure that WiFi is properly configured and able to connect to the internet.
Connect to the device using SSH via WiFi.
Obtain the MAC address of the wired network device using ifconfig.
Run curl -sL | sudo sh -s <The Mac Address> <Username>. Replace <The Mac Address> and <Username> with the MAC address of your Raspberry Pi's wired network device and a non-root username that you are currently using, respectively. For example: curl -sL | sudo sh -s e4:5f:01:05:95:3c david.
Finally, reboot your device.
Change the target to linux-arm64 in your project.json file in your project folder to run on Raspberry Pi.
Note: Currently, all devices are exposed to the whole cloud. We do not support private devices at the moment. You can change the device name by changing the --name parameter of plcc-edge services.
Service Availability Notice
Please be advised that we do not guarantee that our services will always be available. As a growing free service, we may experience downtime, technical issues, or other interruptions in service. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we are continually working to improve our systems and minimize disruptions. Thank you for your understanding.
Privacy & Terms
By using this extension, you agree that we can temporarily save your project data on our server for syntax analysis, diagnosis, and compiling. All temporary files are immediately deleted after you disconnect from the server.
The extension will download a helper from our server for local project folder access and as a gateway between your computer and the Language Server. It only accesses your opening project folders and doesn't collect any information otherwise. And this helper will be elimnated in future versions.
The opening project mentioned above only affects our IEC61131-3 projects that contain a project.json file in the folder with the map {"type": "PLCC-IEC61131-3"}. The Helper will never access your other kinds of folders and files.