API SecureData Theorem's API Secure will scan your RESTful APIs for security issues, including, but not limited to, SQL injection, SSRF, XSS, and PII/PHI data publicly accessible on the Internet. More information can be found here: https://www.datatheorem.com/products/api-secure A valid Data Theorem API key is required. Install the extensionGo to Data Theorem API Secure's page on the Azure DevOps marketplace: Install the extension in your Azure DevOps organization by clicking on "Get it free" Add Data Theorem API Secure to an Azure pipelineGo to your Click on variables. Retrieve your Upload API key from the Data Theorem portal at the link below:
https://www.securetheorem.com/mobile/sdlc/api_access Set the asset ID and the url of API you wish to scan. To find your Once the inputs have been added, click on "Add", and the Data Theorem API Secure task will be added to your |