phobo-vscodeThis extension will help you write Gherkin feature files that is supported by the tool Phobo. ConfigurationTo configure the various settings for this extension open your user preferences and look for Phobo under extensions: The following settings can be configured:
Syntax validationDisplay any syntax errors so that you can easily spot any issues with your feature files. Hover over the line marked with error with your mouse to see the error message: You can also hover over the steps to see information about the action performed by the steps: Syntax completionThis extension will also help you with auto completion when you type in an action for your steps. For example it will provide you with a suggestion list of available actions when you are typing certain keywords: Run PhoboYou can run Phobo against any opened feature file by issuing the command "Run Phobo": When you issue the "Run Phobo" command a new terminal will be created and Phobo will be executed with the current active feature file. View translated feature filePhobo has a feature that allows it to translate feature files that has the "#template" comment inside the feature file. It will open the json file containing the keywords to substitute and process the feature file replacing any matching keywords. With this extension you are able to see how the translated feature file will look like if Phobo had translated it. To do that click on the small icon as shown below and a new window will appear to the side showing you the translated feature file: Debugging PhoboThis feature allows you to run a debugger server that will allow Phobo to connect to. You can then set breakpoints and step through the feature files that is run by Phobo. |