bl_info |
Blender addon info>>>Blender插件声明信息 |
license gnu |
GNU license发布许可证 |
license mit |
MIT license发布许可证 |
keymap item |
keymap item 快捷键映射more info更多参阅信息 |
keymaps |
Register and unregister keymaps>>>注册和取消注册键盘映射 |
menu |
Menu>>>菜单类 |
operator |
Operator function class, without any imports or added functions>>>Operator函数类模板,没有任何import或其他函数代码 |
operator modal |
Modal operator function, without any imports or added functions>>>Modal Operator函数模板,没有任何import或其他函数代码 |
operator modal draw |
Modal operator draw function, without any imports or added functions>>>Modal operator draw函数代码模板,没有任何import或其他函数代码 |
operator filebrowser |
operator with file browse dialog, for your save/load/export/import operators>>>带文件浏览对话框的operator函数模板,供您的保存/加载/导出/导入操作 |
panel |
Panel>>>面板类 |
pie menu |
Pie Menu>>>Blender的饼菜单 |
register |
Register and Unregister Module>>>注册和卸载插件代码模板 |
template addon |
Example of addon for adding object>>>用插件添加对象的示例 |
template background job |
Example of script that shows how you can run blender from the command line (in background mode with no interface) to automate tasks, in this example it creates a text object, camera and light, then renders and/or saves it. This example also shows how you can parse command line options to scripts.>>>脚本示例显示了如何从命令行(在没有界面的后台模式下)运行Blender来自动执行任务,在此示例中,它创建了一个文本对象,相机和灯光,然后进行渲染和/或保存。此示例还显示了如何将命令行选项解析为脚本。 |
template batch |
Example of exporting each selected object into its own file>>>批量将每个选定对象导出到其独自的文件中的示例 |
template bmesh |
Example of to get mesh representation for bmesh from edit-mode and updating it back after bmesh operation.>>>从编辑模式获取bmesh的网格表示并在bmesh操作后更新它的示例。 |
template bmesh |
Example of to get mesh representation for bmesh from active object and updating it back after bmesh operation.>>>从活动对象获取bmesh的网格表示并在bmesh操作之后更新它的示例。 |
template keyingset |
Example of generating Keying Set>>>生成键设置的示例 |
template nodes |
Example of Implementation of custom nodes from Python>>>从Python实现自定义节点的示例 |
template driver |
Example of script defining functions to be used directly in drivers expressions to extend the builtin set of python functions.>>>脚本定义函数的示例,这些函数可直接在驱动程序表达式中使用,以扩展内置的python函数集。 |
template script |
Example of loading script relative to current blend file. This stub runs a python script relative to the currently open blend file, useful when editing scripts externally.>>>相对于当前blender文件加载脚本的示例。关联到当前打开的Blender文件运行python脚本,在外部编辑脚本时很有用。 |
template gamelogic |
Example of gamelogic module. This module can be accessed by a python controller with its execution method set to 'Module'>>>gamelogic模块示例。可以通过python控制器访问该模块,并将其执行方法设置为“Module” |
template gamelogic |
Example of Simple gamelogic python script.>>>简单的gamelogic python脚本示例。 |
template gamelogic |
Example of gamelogic script this must be assigned to a python controller where it can access the object that owns it and the sensors/actuators that it connects to.>>>在gamelogic脚本的示例中,必须将其分配给python控制器,在该控制器中,它可以访问拥有该对象的对象以及与其连接的传感器/执行器。 |
template operator |
Example of Template for file export operator, operator exports data from blender to .txt file>>>文件导出操作的模板示例,操作将数据从Blender导出到.txt文件 |
template operator |
Example of Template for file import operator, operator imports data from .txt to blender data>>>文件导入操作的模板示例,操作将数据从.txt文件导入到blender数据块 |
template operator |
Example of operator involving bmesh for creating and adding object to scene>>>涉及bmesh的操作示例,用于创建场景并将对象添加到场景 |
template operator |
Example of Operator template for editing mesh UV's with bmesh>>>使用bmesh编辑网格UV的Operator模板示例 |
template operator |
Example of Blender modal operator function with imports, main function, register, unregister and testcall>>>Blender operator函数示例imports,main函数,register, unregister和测试调用函数 |
template ui list |
Example of ui list template with adding it to blender with example panel>>>增加侧边栏面板到Blender的界面的示例 |
template ui list |
Example of simple ui list class with some filtering and bpy import>>>具有一些过滤和bpy导入的简单ui列表类的示例 |
template ui menu |
Example of ui menu>>>界面菜单的示例 |
template ui simple panel |
Example of ui panel class with import and register>>>带有import和注册的ui面板类示例 |
template ui panel |
Example of ui panel class ui panel is created with examples of columns, buttons, rows, properties, with import and register,>>>ui面板类示例ui面板具有columns列,buttons按钮,rows行,properties属性,导入和注册代码模板 |
template ui pie menu |
Example of 3d viewport pie menu>>>3D视口饼图菜单示例 |
template dynamic enum |
This example script demonstrates a dynamic EnumProperty with custom icons.>>>此示例脚本演示了带有自定义图标的动态EnumProperty |
template ui previews |
This example script demonstrates how to place a custom icon on a button menu entry>>>此示例脚本演示了如何在按钮菜单项上放置自定义图标 |
blender_TEN子菜单操作类 |
具备子菜单功能的操作类模板, 可以用于写pie-menu和命令子菜单 |
blender_TEN普通操作类 |
普通操作类模板 |
qt5.1 |
PyQt5手工代码基本模板 |
qt5.2 |
PyQt5 Designer配合的main.py基本模板 |