run-script README
Runs a shell command, and reads the output to do different things.
Lets your external scripts / programs integrate more tightly with vscode:
open and modify files, show messages, and more.
Includes a single command:
To use this command, set up shortcuts like this:
"key": "ctrl+shift+h",
"command": "",
"args": {
"command": "path/to/some/binary ${file}",
"parseStdout": true,
Arguments for run:
command: Required. The shell command to run. Supports the following substitutions:
- ${file} - Path of the current open file.
- ${workspaceFolder} - Path of the workspace folder.
- ${lineNumber} - Line number of the cursor.
- ${column} - Column of the cursor.
- ${selectedText} - Current selected text.
- ${config:some.configVar} - Config variable from settings.
parseStdout: Whether to interpret the stdout as a JSON command. See the JSON commands section
showStdoutPopup: Whether to show stdout in a popup.
showStderrPopup: Whether to show stderr in a popup.
copyStdoutToClipboard: Whether to copy stdout to clipboard.
timeout: Kill the process after this many seconds.
sendFileTextToStdin: Whether to the current file text to stdin.
JSON Commands
If parseStdout is enabled for a key binding command, the stdout
of the script is interpreted as a JSON command. This is a mechanism
for your scripts to cause effects on vscode.
There are several built-in commands provided by this extension:
Jump to line in the current file.
"command": "goToLine",
"line": 42
Jump to the first occurence of a search string in the current file.
"command": "goToText",
"text": "some match"
Open a file.
"command": "open",
"path": "path/to/file"
// You can also specify "text" or "line" to jump to text or line.
Insert and/or replace text.
"command": "replaceText",
"line": 42,
"column": 5,
"toLine": 45,
"toColumn": 6,
"text": "some text"
Show an informational message. Optionally, provide items the user can click.
"command": "showInformationMessage",
"message": "It worked",
// Interactivity, optional:
"items": [
"Choose one", "Choose two"
"onChoose": {
"command": "echo 'You chose ${choice}'",
"showStdoutPopup": true
"onCancel": {
"command": "echo 'User did not pick anything'",
"showStdoutPopup": true
Request user input from the quick pick control.
"command": "showQuickPick",
"items": [
"Choose one", "Choose two"
"onChoose": {
"command": "echo 'You chose ${choice}'",
"showStdoutPopup": true
"onCancel": {
"command": "echo 'User did not pick anything'",
"showStdoutPopup": true
Or, run any built-in vscode command. This runs the command.
You can run any built-in command this way.
Note that built-in commands that take file paths need to use a file:/// URI.
"command": "",
"args": "file:///path/to/file"
Evaluate arbitrary javascript:
"code": "vscode.window.activeTextEditor.selection = new vscode.Selection(123, 0, 123, 0);"
Run multiple commands using an array:
"command": ...
"command": ...
- Errors are logged to the 'Run-Script' output window.
- Command run-script.killAll: Terminate any previously started processes.
Release Notes
Initial release!
Add showStderrPopup option.
Fixed some bugs:
- stdout/stderr was concatenated incorrectly
- showStdoutPopup works even if the process exits uncleanly
- Add showQuickPick
- Small bugfix, improve readme
- Add goToText
- Add onCancel for showInformationMessage and showQuickPick.
- Trailing comma and comments are now allowed in json.
- Changed default process CWD to workspace folder.
- Some bugfixes.