OKLabs SolarizedSolarizedSolarized is a color scheme created by Ethan Schoonover. There are versions for pretty much every editor out there. OKSolarOKSolar is a modification of Solarized by Zack Voase using the OKLab perceptual colorspace. See (https://meat.io/oksolar) for the details. This VSCode theme is based on Braver's Solarized theme. Theme VersionsThere are four versions included. "OKLab Solarized Light" and "OKLab Solarized Dark" theme the editor, but keep the standard VSCode dark and light themes for the workbench, respectively. "OKLab Solarized Light (themed workbench)" and "OKLab Solarized Dark (themed workbench)" use the same editor theme, but use the workbench themes provided by the default VSCode solarized themes. |