Project Zomboid VSCode Syntax ExtensionThis VS Code extension provides comprehensive support for Project Zomboid's scripting files, including syntax highlighting, auto-formatting, and diagnostics for items, recipes, and other script blocks. The supported version of Project Zomboid is b42. Features
GitHub RepositoryYou can find the source code and contribute to this project on GitHub: pz-syntax-extension ConfigurationBy default the Project Zomboid directory is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\scripts", but you can change this in the settings of the extension. You can add custom filename if you want they be detected as "pz-scripting" file Known issuesSometime items/craftRecipe files are not detected as pz-scripting, in this case close them all. Installation if you want to evolve or fix the extension
ContributingContributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes. Supporting the ProjectIf you find this extension helpful, please consider supporting its development. Your donations help me stay motivated and show my wife that all the time spent away from her is worthwhile! 😊 TodoAutofilling tags & flags for items/craftRecipe Autocompleting properties, Base.itemName and so on Detection of entities Improve documentation for properties Detection of custom module from others mods LicenseThis project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. NotesThis is my first extension, please be kind. Special thanks to Copilot for helping me create this extension (and DeepSeek too, a lot). |