└── Modules
└── Calculation
├── Tests
└── Services
└── Taxes
├── WorkerTax.php
└── EmployeeTax.php <- create test for this file
the test name will be the current file className + Test ex.EmployeeTaxTest
tests are created in the nearest tests directory to the original file ex.Modules/Calculation/Tests/...,
or if not the cmnd will keep traversing up until it finds a directory of tests ex.root/tests
the test file will be created with the original class hierarchy ex..../Tests/{TestType}/Services/Taxes/EmployeeTaxTest.php
if file already exists it will be opened instead
for the Go To Test codelens to show up, the class test file must be className + Test ex.EmployeeTaxTest
PS 🔺
the navigation between the class to its test & vice-versa doesnt follow anything other than the name of the class to connect the dots,
which means if you have multiple classes with the same name in both ways class & test you might get directed to the wrong file,
so to use this feature the names have to be as unique as possible,
however, the codelens now have the support to
showing the file path on hover
for multi files you will get a QuickPick to choose from