is to use the alt/ctrl + click dynamically instead of creating numerous extensions with single usage or ask an extension author to add a link provider to something in specific.
Example :
"commandAutolink.queries": [
"linkFilePattern": "**/*{.yml,pecl}", // defaults to "**/*"
"linkFileLanguage": ["php"], // similar to linkFilePattern but instead use language ids, defaults to []
"linkPattern": "[\/]?((dev-ops|opt)[^\\s]+\\.[^\\s]{2,})", // any regex to match the text, required
"linkCommand": "workbench.action.quickOpen", // command id to execute when clicking the matched pattern link, required
"linkText": "Go To File" // command text to show in the hover popup
Notes :
some commands doesn't require any arguments ex.Open File
and some other requires an argument to be passed to the command ex.workbench.action.quickOpen to work which in this case the first captured group in the linkPattern will be used.