ssync-files READMEFeaturesThis extension will use the OpenSSH version of to scp files from local workspace to a remote server. RequirementsExtension SettingsCreate a config file called .ssync-files.json in workspace root. Change the parameters to the appropriate values for your system.
CommandsStart Sync Files - start the watchers. Restart Sync Files - read config and restart the watchers Known IssuesStill in development. If need feature, ask. If you don't think it's working, go to output and copy command line. Then execute the command from the command shell to see if it works. Could be expecting input, which is not handled yet. Release Notes
1.0.0Initial release of ssync-files 1.1.0Add muliple path watchers and remote locations. only works on windows with putty 1.1.2Added config "scpexec" to specify scp executable. Might work on Mac OS now. 1.1.3Updated to be more correct. 1.1.4Update package.json to publish extension. 1.1.5quoted pscp path in 1.1.6quoted pscp paths, updated 1.1.7Removed password usage. The user must be able to connect to remote system with out a password. For more informationEnjoy! |