d READMEI created some handy syntax for highlighting lines in *.d file. While using Visual Studio Code as a note tool, i do not like the edit-preview way in Markdown. So i create some syntax for highlight lines. Featuresonce you begin a line with follow syntax :
![feature example](screenshot1.png) 0.0.1Initial release 0.0.2
0.0.3add highlight for "====================" 0.0.4remove highlight for "====================" add new syntax "====" 0.0.5++ support 0.0.6fix recurssive including of different type 0.0.7support @<> 0.0.8support ==== for different color 0.0.9fix ">>" to region 0.0.10ignore empty line 0.0.11support customize color 0.0.12add #xxx highlight 0.0.13reduce the syntacs remove ++ and ===== highlight Enjoy! |