snippet-rct READMEEs un snippet para react js Atajos 🚀impo / Import a exported variable from a library impr / import React from 'react'; impf / import function with hook impff / import function with 'const' impusef / useffect impuset / Declare a new state Variable using useState Hook impcon / Declare a new function Hook impmap / Declare a new map Hook imparray / Declare a new array .to / Declare to string ale / alert basic alee / alert basic with tostring clog / print console log clogg / print console log with object clogw / print console log warning cloge /print console log error comb / comment basic comm / comment multiply imrnav / useNavigation imrout / struct from routes ccip cccc cccpc ccccwc cdm.....etc Autor ✒️
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