A VSCode extension to recursively remove all .DS_Store files from the CWD.
Features 📙
Remove all .DS_Store files.
Installation 📝
Launch Visual Studio Code.
Go to the Extensions view by clicking on the square icon on the left sidebar or by using the shortcut Cmd+Shift+X.
Search for "Delete DS_Store Files" in the Extensions marketplace.
Click the "Install" button next to the "Delete DS_Store Files" extension.
Usage 🛠️
Open a new project on VSCode and trigger the command palette using Cmd+Shift+P.
Search for "Delete .DS_Store Files" and click. All .DS_Store files in your current workspace will be deleted.
In case of any errors or issues, appropriate error messages will be displayed, indicating the problem encountered. Refer to the #Troubleshooting section of this docs and try to fix the issue.
Extension Deactivation 😔
The extension is deactivated automatically when you close Visual Studio Code or manually disable the extension in the Extensions view.
Troubleshooting 🐛
Info "No workspace folder is open.": The extension did not detect any workspace folders. Open a project folder and try again.
Warning "stderr: ...": Usually occurs if you try to use this extension on a Windows OS or other operating systems. .DS_Store files are ideally found on the MacOS, so this extension was not built with support for other platforms.
Feedback and Contributions 👂
If you have any feedback, suggestions, or bug reports, please create an issue or reach out to me on Twitter (@code_rabbi)