A Visual Studio Extension for quick navigation of edits/marks.
Quick access back and forward between edits and marked locations
Search edits across all files
Persistent storage edit history
Bookmarks with stack workflow pattern
Remove, Create, Toggle edit/mark at location for quick back tracking
Auto-move edits/marks to top of navigation stack (optional)
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following commands (Set in Keyboard Preferences):
navigateEditHistory.moveCursorToPreviousEdit: Edits: Navigate back in edit history
navigateEditHistory.moveCursorToPreviousEditInCurrentFile: Edits: Navigate back in edit history in the current file
navigateEditHistory.moveCursorToNextEdit: Edits: Navigate forward in edit history
navigateEditHistory.moveCursorToNextEditInCurrentFile: Edits: Navigate forward in edit history in the current file
navigateEditHistory.list: Edits: List edit history in all files
navigateEditHistory.createEditAtCursor: Edits: Create edit at cursor position (Moves edit to top of stack)
navigateEditHistory.removeEditAtCursor: Edits: Remove any edits on the current line
navigateEditHistory.toggleEditAtCursor: Edits: Toggle any edits on the current line
navigateEditHistory.moveCursorCancelNavigation: Edits: Navigate back to beginning of stack before any jumps
navigateEditHistory.clearEdits: Edits: Clear All Edits
This extension contributes the following settings (Set in User Preferences):
navigateEditHistory.maxHistorySize: Maximum number of entries for the edits history.
navigateEditHistory.centerOnReveal: When navigating to an edit outside the view, should we always put the edit in the center of the screen?
navigateEditHistory.groupEditsWithinLines: Group edits if they are within a certain amount of lines from each other.
navigateEditHistory.logDebug: Log a bunch of stuff to the console. Use if submitting a bug report.
navigateEditHistory.topStackWhenQuickPickSelect: Move edit to top of stack on quick pick select.
navigateEditHistory.topStackWhenMove: Move edit to top of stack on cursor position change.
navigateEditHistory.filterOnPathInEditList: When filtering the edit list, also match on the file path.
Workflow Guide
Yet another edit history navigator extension for VsCode. Offers a command to go one step further back in edit history, defaults to KeyBinding ctrl+q. Any navigation or selection will reset the command to once again go to the latest edit. Any edits close to the last edit will be bundled into one edit history item, the closeness can be configured.
With create/toggle edit on current line command the current position is moved to the top of the bookmark/edit stack, making for quick back tracking. Config options can be set to automatically move current bookmark up to top of stack, for a stack back jumping workflow. Can also open up search pallet to view edit/mark history.
This extension is very opinionated, but I'm happy to take suggestions. Just open an issue or pull request on Github!
Known Issues
Cant save edit history in files that has not yet been saved to disk.