VS FiveM IntelliSenseThis extension adds FiveM native support, code-completions, diagnostics and helpful commands for lua files. I recommend also getting sumneko's lua language server for reference finding, lua auto-completion and more helpful features. To not interfere with this extension i'd also turn off Support for most of FiveM's lua-glm extensions
Detailed native documentationNatives are automatically updated from the FiveM documentation. Built in searchAuto-completionThe extension will try to detect the context of the current file (server or client) and will prioritize natives that are available in that context. Inline HintsColor highlightingThe extension will automatically try to detect any color values and highlight them. Hover supportThe extension will show a preview of a hash function when hovering over it. With lua-glm enabled it also provides hover suggestions for vector swizzling. Diagnostics & Bad-Practice warningsHelpful snippetsEasy and quick resource generationQuickly find all issues in a directory and fix them with 2 clicks |