This Toolbox helps you to develop in WordPress very fast. It has a lot of snippets for a lot of situations and plugins.
The sintaxis of the snippets is:
- 2-3 digits - Environment as WordPress and Plugins.
- 1 - Action: A - Adding, R - Remove, M - Move, T - Setup a setting, S - Show HTML
- 2-3 Name of snippet
For example:
metafun - Met is for plugin Metabox, A for adding a function and Fun is the name of the snippet.
All snippets will respect WordPress Coding Standards.
Support this project: We placed some affiliate links in order to contribute to help to make this project sustainable.
Developed By David Perez from CloseTechnology.
List of Snippets
WordPress (WP)
Rule |
Action |
wptupd |
Force updates and upgrades |
wpaac |
Adds an action with function |
wpstit |
Shows the entry title with permalink |
wpstiv |
Shows the entry title with permalink with echo |
wpsimv |
Show image with link as variable with echo |
wpstrtax |
Shows taxonomy terms of actual entry |
wpsgmt |
Shows a meta value |
wpawid |
Creates a widget |
wpawf |
Before Widget with Full Width wrapper |
wpaex |
Adds excerpt to pages |
wpamen |
Register additional menu |
wpasm |
Send email HTML with headers |
Shows to public |
wpssoc |
Shows Icons Social from Yoast |
wpstab |
Show tabs for content |
wpsfav |
Shows favicon from theme directory |
Querys |
wpqda |
Query Arguments for Date |
wpqul |
Query entries with UL wrapper |
wpqdiv |
Query entries with DIV wrapper |
wpqva |
Query entries to array variable |
wpqta |
Query entries from a taxonomy |
wpqtm |
Query Terms from a taxonomy |
wpqtmp |
Query Terms from actual post |
wpqmc |
Arguments for Query Meta value checkbox active |
Change Settings |
wptarg |
Change arguments of registered post type |
wptplu |
Detects Plugin active |
WordPress Functions for Custom Post Type (WP)
Rule |
Action |
wpacptpa |
Creates a new Custom Post Type for Pages |
wpacptpo |
Creates a new Custom Post Type for Posts |
wpacptco |
Adds Custom columns in Admin Custom Post Type |
wpatax |
Register a taxonomy |
WordPress Functions for Developer (WP)
Rule |
Action |
wpaspl |
Autoloads classes |
wpare |
Set Image Sizes |
wpaspt |
Sprintf translation |
wprjq |
Removes jQuery from loading |
wpamet |
Registers metabox for a post type |
wpameu |
Registers metabox for a user |
wpaloc |
Configuration for Local development |
wpaupd |
Foces automatic updates in WordPress (in functions.php) |
wpafpt |
Adds functions to Custom Post Type in public |
wpaop |
Removes CSS and JS for optimization |
wpapuh |
Adds Plugin Header |
wpadef |
Define default constants for Plugin |
wpare |
Create readme.txt for Plugins |
wpalpt |
Loads Plugin Text Domain |
wpagit |
Gitignore configuration for WordPress |
htacc |
htaccess recommended for HTPPS sites |
htapd |
htaccess Protect PDF to be downloaded and indexed |
wpahfil |
Comments Plugin File Header |
wpadhc |
Doc Header comment |
wpafc |
Function comment |
coasec |
Comments for new section |
coassec |
Comments for new subsection |
wpajs |
Adds jQuery wrap |
wpssh |
Create a Shortcode |
wprpf |
Disables Post format for the theme |
wptre |
Replace already registered post type |
wpacr |
Adds recurrence interval for Cron |
wpaprq |
Plugin require files |
wpagt |
Gets environment mode |
wptgt |
Sets environment mode in config |
wptlog |
Customize login page |
wptco |
Disable comments for custom post types |
wpacptfi |
Create Filter to a Custom Post type based in meta value |
wpatag |
Adds Google Tag Manager from Plugin Duracell |
wpatra |
Creates transient |
wpadis |
Creates distribution file |
wpagi |
Creates Git Ignore |
Routines |
wprout |
Routine update metas with categories |
Enqueue |
wpaes |
Enqueue Style in Plugin |
wpaej |
Enqueue Javascript in Plugin |
wpaejt |
Enqueue Javascript in Child Theme |
wpajl |
Javascript load window |
wpdbget |
Get results from table WordPress |
wpajx |
Create AJAX for class and button |
API Snippets |
wpgfu |
API Get function |
GitHub Actions |
wpdwp |
Deploy GitHub Repository to WordPress (https://github.com/10up/action-wordpress-plugin-deploy) |
wpdfp |
Deploy GitHub Repository to FTPS |
WordPress Multisite (WPM)
Rule |
Action |
wmacon |
Adds line in wpconfig |
wmfup |
Filter Myme types allowed in Multisite |
wmant |
Network Media Library |
Gutenberg (GUT)
Rule |
Action |
gutain |
Iniate a theme for Gutenberg |
gutacol |
Set Color Palette |
gutagr |
Adds Gradient Presets |
gutrgr |
Disable Custom Gradients |
gutafwi |
Add Theme support Wide align images |
gutaim |
Name Image Sizes |
gutacpt |
Adds Gutenberg support to a registered post type |
gutrfont |
Removes Noto Font from Frontend in Gutenberg |
gutasa |
Adds Align style Full and Wide |
gutacss |
Adds Gutenberg CSS from Customizer Additional CSS |
gutrcd |
Remove core default block patterns |
WordPress to Show Schemas in JSON LD (SC)
Rule |
Action |
scsscw |
Make wrap Schema for functions.php |
GeneratePress (GP)
Plugin Web | Documentation
Rule |
Action |
Shows to public |
gpslo |
Filter main logo |
gpswc |
Shows Featured image from WooCommerce |
gpspref |
Register and shows a sidebar before footer |
gpafon |
Adds local font |
gpacc |
Adds CPT columns filter |
gprgf |
Remove Google Fonts |
WooCommerce (WOO)
Web | Documentation
Rule |
Action |
wootord |
Creates new status for Orders |
wootpprod |
Sets Products per page |
woorptag |
Removes Product Tag |
wootzero |
Trim Zeros in Price |
wooastb |
Add Settings Tab Class |
wooacm |
Add Column in My Account page |
Show in public |
woosterm |
Adds checkbox for terms and conditions in registration page |
Remove Elements |
woorsku |
Removes SKU in detail page |
woorcomp |
Remove Company name in checkout |
woorspin |
WooCommerce Removes Spin from input in CSS |
woors |
Remove Showing results |
woord |
Remove Sorting dropdown |
woorco |
Remove Count subcategories |
woorcart |
Remove add to cart in loop |
woorfree |
Hide Shipping rates when free shipping |
woorbad |
Remove Offert Badge in products |
woorsto |
Removes stock text in Product page |
woorarimg |
Remove product thumbnails in archive pages |
woordes |
Removes Description tab title |
woorpa |
Hide prices in archive pages |
wooris |
Remove Image in Single product |
wooria |
Remove link in Image product |
woormp |
Remove mandatory phone in checkout |
woorpr |
Remove Price Range in product page |
woorpb |
Remove Product Tabs |
woorsm |
Removes Single Meta |
woortb |
WooCommerce remove Product Tabs |
Settings |
wootems |
Adds Custom Styles for Emails |
WooCommerce Storefront (ST)
Rule |
Action |
sttbread |
Changes Storefront Breadcrumb label |
stmbread |
Move Breadcrumb from header to before footer |
sttim |
Image sizes for a Storefront child theme |
stsex |
Show Excerpt instead full article in archives |
ACF Custom Fields (AC)
Web | Documentation
Rule |
Action |
acsgmt |
Shows ACF meta value |
Yoast SEO (YO)
Rule |
Action |
yorred |
Premium |
Disable automatic redirects |
Gulp (GL)
In order to use Gulp for develop a theme in WordPress, you will need to have NPM installed. Create the files gulpfile.js and package.json in your theme, and run npm install. Since you have installed the node modules, now you can use gulp. It has other orders: gulp images compress the images files in folder images.
Rule |
Action |
glag |
Generates the content for gulpfile.js for the theme |
glap |
Generates the content for package.json for the theme |
Metabox WordPress Post Types (MET)
Plugin Web | Documentation
Rule |
Action |
metafun |
Adds Metabox Function |
metapost |
Adds field select for posts |
metatax |
Adds field select for terms in a taxonomy |
metatext |
Adds text field |
metagal |
Adds Images Gallery Field |
metaurl |
Adds URL Field |
metanum |
Adds Number field |
metaicon |
Adds Icon field |
metachec |
Adds Checkbox field |
metasel |
Adds select field |
metadir |
Adds Address group fields |
metafor |
Get Select Field of actual Forms in Gravity Forms |
metafwp |
Get Select Field of actual Forms in WPFORMS |
metadate |
Adds Field date |
metapid |
Get actual post in filter function |
metapdf |
Adds PDF field |
Shows to public |
metsimg |
Shows Gallery in public page |
metsfi |
Shows file download |
MetaBox Blocks |
mebab |
Registers a new block |
mebat |
Creates the block template php |
mebas |
Creates the block template style |
mebaf |
Gets block Field |
Web | Documentation
Rule |
Action |
wpmltdis |
Disable Javascript and CSS in front |
wpmlslg |
Actual Language code |
wpmlsgmg |
Adds Language selector in genesis footer |
wpmlalink |
Link from ID |
wpmlasup |
Suppress filter for Query in array |
WC Market Place (WOC)
Rule |
Action |
wocrrep |
Remove report abuse |
woctven |
Customize Name Sold by |
Pods Snippets (PHP)
Rule |
Action |
podaget |
Get Pods object for current post |
podaite |
Get the Pods object |
podaraw |
Display Pods field |
podadisp |
Display Pods field |
podametag |
Add a meta group of fields |
Rule |
Action |
cssawid |
Adds Subsection for a Widget |
cssamed |
Media Queries responsive |
cssaflexr |
Adds Flexbox Row Wrap |
cssaflexc |
Adds Flexbox Column Wrap |
cssagrid |
Adds Grid container for Columns and rows |
cssatw |
Tweaks for Genesis CSS |
cssamf |
Media Query mobile first |
cssapa |
Center position absolute |
cssafon |
Adds Font Face to CSS |
Rule |
Action |
scssar |
Adds responsive wrapper |
Rule |
Action |
phpec |
Echo a variable |
phpep |
Echo variable with wrap PRE |
phper |
Echo variable with Printr |
phpel |
Echo variable in error log |
phpah |
DocBock file header as Coding Standards |
phpache |
DocBlock DocBlocks for Classes header |
phpacl |
Adds class |
phpacs |
Adds static class |
phpavi |
Create variable with isset verification |
devtcomp |
Loads a Composer Library |
Several Plugins
Rule |
Action |
p2pacon |
Plugin Posts 2 Posts - Register Connections with post types |
p2pscon |
Shows connected posts |
gfavib |
GravityForms - Enable field option Visibility |
gfsform |
GravityForms - Shows form |
gfapdf |
GravityForms PDF - Set Templates directory to Plugin |
sfsres |
Results Page |
revrmet |
Remove metabox in all post types |
Genesis (GEN)
Plugin Web | Documentation
Rule |
Action |
Additions |
genacl |
Adds classes and elements to HTML element |
genatag |
Adds Tag Manager from Plugin Duracell |
Shows to public |
gensmen |
Adds HTML elements to main menu |
gensimgh |
Adds Header image from featured |
genssm |
Adds custom Yoast social icons html elements to the main menu |
genslf |
Loop Index i to add class first |
genmmh |
Move menu from Header |
genasid |
Register Custom Sidebar |
genasidf |
Custom Sidebar Function |
genspref |
Register and shows a sidebar before footer |
gensfib |
Adds featured image as entry header background |
Sets |
gentflay |
Forces full width layout with conditionals and WooCommerce support |
Shows to public |
genslogo |
Shows Logo instead Site Title and Description |
genspsi |
Customize Entry Post Info |
genstopbar |
Adds topbar with menu |
genswpmls |
Adds WPML Language selector to Footer |
gensaut |
Display author box on single posts |
gensrev |
Adds Revolution slider in home |
genstopb |
Adds a Topbar in site |
gensfav |
Adds Favicon from Child theme |
genshm |
Adds Hamburger menu animation |
genspref |
Adds an imagen in div before footer |
Remove elements |
genrhtit |
Remove Site Title in Home Page |
genrpi |
Remove Entry Post Info |
genrco |
Remove Web input field from comments |
genremec |
Remove the post content |
genreh |
Remove the entry header |
genrhr |
Remove Header Right |
genrsec |
Remove Secondary Sidebar |
genremem |
Remove Entry meta |
genrem |
Remove Entry Meta in post type |
genred |
Remove the edit link |
Contributors 🙏❤
A big thanks to the people that have contributed to this project: