.avsc |
Convert to > Parquet |
Converts an Avro schema to a Parquet file and saves the output. |
- Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > JSON |
Converts an Avro schema to a JSON schema and saves the output. |
- Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > XML |
Converts an Avro schema to an XML schema and saves the output. |
- Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > SQL Schema |
Converts an Avro schema to a SQL schema and saves the output. |
- Select the SQL dialect - Decide if you want to add CloudEvents columns - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > MongoDB Schema |
Converts an Avro schema to a MongoDB schema and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to add CloudEvents columns - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > Cassandra Schema |
Converts an Avro schema to a Cassandra schema and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to add CloudEvents columns - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > DynamoDB Schema |
Converts an Avro schema to a DynamoDB schema and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to add CloudEvents columns - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > Elasticsearch Schema |
Converts an Avro schema to an Elasticsearch schema and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to add CloudEvents columns - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > CouchDB Schema |
Converts an Avro schema to a CouchDB schema and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to add CloudEvents columns - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > Neo4j Schema |
Converts an Avro schema to a Neo4j schema and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to add CloudEvents columns - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > Firebase Schema |
Converts an Avro schema to a Firebase schema and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to add CloudEvents columns - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > CosmosDB Schema |
Converts an Avro schema to a CosmosDB schema and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to add CloudEvents columns - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > HBase Schema |
Converts an Avro schema to an HBase schema and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to add CloudEvents columns - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > C# Classes |
Converts an Avro schema to C# classes and saves the output. |
- Provide C# root namespace - Decide if you want to use Avro annotations - Decide if you want to use System.Text.Json annotations - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > Java Classes |
Converts an Avro schema to Java classes and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to use Avro annotations - Decide if you want to use Jackson annotations - Decide if you want to use PascalCase properties - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > Python Classes |
Converts an Avro schema to Python classes and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to use dataclasses-json annotations - Decide if you want to use Avro annotations - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > TypeScript Classes |
Converts an Avro schema to TypeScript classes and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to use Avro annotations - Decide if you want to use TypedJSON annotations - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > JavaScript Classes |
Converts an Avro schema to JavaScript classes and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to use Avro annotations - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > C++ Classes |
Converts an Avro schema to C++ classes and saves the output. |
- Provide root namespace - Decide if you want to use Avro annotations - Decide if you want to use JSON annotations - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > Go Classes |
Converts an Avro schema to Go classes and saves the output. |
- Decide if you want to use Avro annotations - Decide if you want to use JSON annotations - Provide Go package name, site, and username (optional) - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > Rust Classes |
Converts an Avro schema to Rust classes and saves the output. |
- Provide Rust package name (optional) - Decide if you want to use Avro annotations - Decide if you want to use JSON annotations - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > Data Pipeline JSON |
Converts an Avro schema to Data Pipeline JSON and saves the output. |
- Provide record type (optional) - Provide output file name and location |
.avsc |
Convert to > Markdown Documentation |
Converts an Avro schema to Markdown documentation and saves the output. |
- Provide output file name and location |