Rad(luaRad) is a cocos2d-x lua binding debugger,support code complete(api snippets), plan to add unity3d, quick, native lua, etc debugger in the future, luaide
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
luarad=Rapid Application Develope using lua script.
LuaRad is cocos2d-x lua binding debugger,support code complete
the config sample can download from http://www.5icoin.com/LuaDebug.zip
any suggestion or any problem, please mail to 45030013@qq.com or add qq group:45198233
if you like this, you can donate me to make it better. thank you ! dnote me
1、code complete.
2、support relative path for windows platform.
3、ide toolbar and simulator status sync.
4、fix some compile error.
5、simplify config name ,"luaRad-LD-2dx" for launch debug,"luaRad-RD-2dx" for remote debug
version 0.0.15~0.16
1、add search key of luaide
2、delete simulator-close error message
version 0.0.14
1、delete some un use information message
version 0.0.12~0.0.13
1、add donate me link
2、fix fail auto close simulator function
3、delete 2dx demo project, if you need it , please contract me
version 0.0.10~0.0.11
1、add a cocos2d-x 3.17 windows verrsion sample, so you can can easy start you development
version 0.0.9
1、close simulator when debug tool bar click stop or restart button
version 0.0.8
1、close debug tool bar when simulator exit
version 0.0.6~0.0.7
1、change debug configure name to "xxx-LD-xxx" for launch debuging & "xxx-RD-xxx" for remote debugging.
2、add config snippets so you can easy to integrate with other debuger in one luanch.json file, just press add configure button.
3、change the extension icon.
version 0.0.5
1、on first time luanch luabinding exe:add luadebug.lua,luadebugjt,main.lua to local dir of ./src
2、on win32 platform exePath support relative path,accroding to the level which .vscode in
sample:"exePath": "sim/xxx.exe"
version 0.0.2~0.0.4
1、fix Debug function
version 0.0.1
1、init version,clone form luaide 0.3.7
2、add cocos2d 3.16 api code complete function
2017-12-31 release by cjoy at china/hangzhou
qq group:45198233