Ruby and Rails Snippets for Visual Studio Code (Vim/Intellisense Bias)
This extension (which can also be found on the marketplace) is very similar to Vense's rails extension and Peng Lv's snippets but with my own twists and added snippets. The rails/erb snippets still need more work.
By default, intellisense does NOT work inside of code snippets (because intellisense and snippets both use the TAB key). If you want to mess around with your settings and enable it anyway you can check out this stackoverflow post. I prefer having more intellisense, so a lot of these snippets will end earlier than you would expect. I also like to use the vim extension in vscode, so these snippets are biased towards vim users (I use j/k/o/O to move around). If this is not to your liking, I recommend using the previous two extensions instead. You're also free to fork/mess around with this extension as you wish (MIT Licensed).

Supported File Types
- Ruby (.rb)
- Embedded Ruby (.erb)
- You use each snippet by typing out its name (i.e. "ifelse") and then hitting TAB on the keyboard.
- You must be in one of the supported file types for these snippets to work.
- Some snippets have multiple steps that you can cycle through.
- Hitting TAB will move you forward one step
- Hitting CTRL + TAB will move you back one step
- You can view suggested snippets by hitting CTRL/COMMAND + SPACE
is where the snippet starts and $0
is where the snippet ends
Ruby snippets
# frozen_string_literal_true # fr
map { |$0| } # map
map { |$1| $0 } # mapp
each { |$0| } # each
each { |$1| $0 } # eachh
select { |$0| } # select
select { |$1| $0 } # selectt
inject($1) { |$0| } # injent
inject { |$0| } # injectt
all? { |$0| } # all
all? { |$1| $0 } # alll
any? { |$0| } # any
any? { |$1| $0 } # anyy
loop do # loop (infinite)
for $1 in $0 do # for
for $1 in $2 do # forr
# same pattern for while/until/unless
while $0 # while / whilee
module $0 # module / modulee
require '$0' # req
require(:$0) # reqq
include($0) # include
do # do
if $0 # if
if $0 # ifelse..
def $0 # def
begin # begin
rescue =>
class $1 # cla
def initialize($0) # init
# cla1, cla2, cla3...
class $1
def initialize($2)
@$2 = $2
# clex
class $1 < $0
Rails Snippets .rb
only: %i[${1:method}] # only
except: %i[${1:method}] # except
# Active Record
find_by(${1:key}: ${2:value}) # find_by
find_by(${1:id_name}: params[:${2:param}]) # find_by_params
before_action :$1 # before_action
where($0) # where
namspace :$1 do # rake
desc "$2"
task $3: :environment do
# Routing
get '/${1:route}', to: '${2:controller}#${3:method}' # get
post '/${1:route}', to: '${2:controller}#${3:method}' # post
patch '/${1:route}', to: '${2:controller}#${3:method}' # patch
put '/${1:route}', to: '${2:controller}#${3:method}' # put
delete '/${1:route}', to: '${2:controller}#${3:method}' # delete
resources :${res_name} # res
resources :${1:res_name} do $2 end # resb
resources :${1:res_name} do # rescb
collection do
resources :${1:res_name} do # resmember
member do
member do # member
collection do # collection
# Redirects
render $0 # render
redirect_to ${1:path} # redirect_to
redirect_to ${path}, notice: '${msg}' # redirect_to_msg
# Model
has_one :$0 # has_one
dependent: :${1:id} # dep
has_one :${1:id}, dependent: :${2:type} # has_one_dep
has_many :$0 # has_many
has_many :${1:model1}, through: :${2:model2} # has_many_through
has_many :${1:id}, dependent: :${2:type} # has_many_dependent
belongs_to : # belongs_to
belongs_to :${1:id}, cache: ${2:true} # belongs_to_cache
has_and_belongs_to_many :${1:id} # has_and_belongs_to_many
## Columns
add_column :${1:table}, :${2:column}, :${3:type} # add_column
add_reference :${1:table}, :${2:column}, foreign_key: true # add_reference
t.binary # tcbi
t.boolean # tcb # tcda
t.datetime # tcdt
t.decimal # tcd
t.float # tcf
t.integer # tci
t.references # tcr
t.string # tcs
t.text # tct
t.time # tcti
t.timestamp # tcts
t.timestamps # tsctss
validates :$1, prescence: true # validates
## Params/Require
params.require(:$1).permit(:$0) # params
params['$1']['$2']['$0'] # para1, para2, para3...
## Controller
class ${1:Name}Controller < ApplicationController
def index # index (same for create/new/edit/show/update/destroy)
# crud
def index/new/create/edit/update/show/destroy ...
Ruby Templates .erb
<% $1 %> // pre
<% $1 %> // preb
<% end %>
<%= $1 %> // pe
<%= $1 %> // peb
<% end %>
<% ${1:items}.each do |${2:item}| %> // each
<% end %>
<%= form_for ${1:variable} do |${2:f}| %> // formfor
<% end %>
<%= f.time_zone_select :${1:id_name} %> // timezone
<%= range_field (:${1:model}, :${2:id}, in: ${3:1..100}) %> // rangefield
<%= select_tag (:${1:id}, options_for_select($2))%> // selecttag
<%= color_field :${$1:id_name} %> // colorfield
options_for_select([${1:options}])$0 // options for select
<%= render ${1:path} %>$0 // render
<%= render ${1:path}, ${2:var1}: ${3:var2} %> // rendervar
<%= link_to '${1:text}', ${2:path} %> // lt
<%= link_to '${1:text}', ${2:path}, class:'${3:class}' %> // ltc
<%= link_to '${1:link_text}', ${2:path}, method: '${3:method}', data:{ ${4:data} } %> // ltmd
<%= link_to '${1:link_text}', ${2:path}, method: '${3:method}', data:{ ${4:data} }, class:'${5:class}' %> // ltmdc
<%= link_to "${1:link_text}", ${2:path}, method: "${3:method}", data:{ confirm: "${4:confirm}"} %> // ltmcon
<%= link_to "${1:link_text}", ${2:path}, method: "${3:method}", data:{ confirm: "${4:confirm}"}, class:"${5:class}" %> // ltmconc
// f.whatever
<%= f.submit %>$0
<%= f.label :${1:id_name}, '${2:text}' %>$0
<%= f.number_field (:${1:id_name}, in: ${2:1.0..20.0}, step: ${3:0.5}) %>$0
<%= f.time_field :${1:id_name} %>
<%= f.hidden_field :${1:id_name} %>
<%= f.url_field :${id_name} %>
<%= f.password_field :${id_name} %>
<%= f.text_area :${id_name} %>
<%= f.check_box :${id_name} %>
<%= f.text_field :${id_name} %>
<%= f.date_field :${id_name} %>
<%= f.datetime_field :${1:id_name} %>
<%= f.radio_button :${1:name}, :value => '${2:value}' %>
<%= f.input :${1:id}, label: '${2:text}' %>
${1:path}_path // path
new_${1:path}_path // newpath
edit_${1:path}_path(${2:variable}) // editpath
// if, elsif, etc.
<% if $1 %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% elsif $1 %>$0
<% if $1 %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
<% if $1 %>
<% elseif %>
<% end %>
<% if $1 %>
<% elseif %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
<% unless ${1:falsevalue} %>
<% end %>
<% unless ${1:falsevalue} %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
<% end %>