Get all UI-libraries' intelligent hints All-In-One, now for vue , easily extented to react/others by users... It get tips from api-jsons of "quasar/antdv/devui/...", and the api-jsons could diy all by users.
插件目标是获取所有 UI 库的智能提示,现在实现 vue、可扩展到 react/其他框架...目前已集成“quasar/antdv/devui/”等 UI 库的提示,用户可轻松添加 json 模版扩充到其他 UI 库。
All-hints in one for vue-based ui-libraries, or even react/others.... 多合一的 UI 智能提示插件,目标 vue/react/……各类前端用户
This Extension bases on the andv helper and was aimed largely for more vue/react/... ui libraries. So Big Big Big Thanks to andv helper.
Document And Usage
You could diy your own hint-json for vue/react/... ui by changing the vscode-setting : "name" and "jsonpath", offering the style-like json as the extension's build-in quasar-template.
If no need for one ui hint, you could delete the vsode-setting of it directly.
添加/改变 vsc 配置文件中的 "name" and "jsonpath", 轻松导入/配置自定义提示
如无需某个 ui 提示,直接删除配置文件中对应的名称就行.
Support Json Templates With 3-kind styles
// template-style-1 —— suggested
// filenames like a-component.json or AComponent.json
// filenames ➔ used as tag-names
"props":{ // ensure this name === "props"
"events":{ // ensure this name==="events"
// template-style-2 ——used internnally by cc-hint
// style1/3 ➔ style2 by cc-hint autoly
"props":{ // ensure this name === "props"
"events":{ // ensure this name==="events"
// template-style-3 ——all treated as "props"
// filename like a-component.json or AComponent.json
// filenames ➔ treated as tagnames
For Developpers
- Extensino uses tsup to bundle.
- Easily generator the json-hint of your own ui-library.
You are welcome for pulling any request, that will make cc-hint better.
source code