Salesforce Diff
This extension allows you to diff metadata against a Salesforce org.
NOTE: Still in very early stages! Please be patient and help by submitting issues (or better yet, PR's!)
- Uses the default SFDX connect for the project
- Supports all metadata[^*]
- Ability to select an org to diff with
[^*]: Still somewhat untested. To diff non-apex, you must run command SF Diff: Diff with Default Org from command pallet.

- You must have SFDX CLI installed
- For non-apex metadata types, you must be working out of a salesforce-dx project.
Whenever a cls or *-meta.xml file is open, you'll see an the "SF Diff" icon in the upper left.
Clicking this will diff the file against the projects default org. If you alt/option + click, you can select the org to diff against.
You can also run either command directly from the pallet:
SF DIFF: Current Org
SF DIFF: Select an Org
Known Issues
- Likely issues around multiple namespaces
- non-apex metadata types is experimental. Might not work outside "default" sfdx
packageDirectory . Hasn't been tested for all MD types.
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