Registers with VSCode as a definitions provider for C/C++ files.
Provides symbol autocompletion from tags file.
Provides fast lookup even on large tags files.
Handles symbols with multiple definitions.
Provides commands for regenerating and reindexing the tags file.
Integrates with the status bar to provide progress updates during tags file generation and indexing.
The extension looks for a file called 'tags' in the workspace root directory. If this file cannot be found a new tags file can be created
and indexed using the regenerate tags file command. This requires the ctags command to be on your path and will generate tags for source files
in the workspace root directory recursively (equivalent to running: ctags -R -f tags .).
Known Issues
Not possible to configure the name of the tags file.
Not possible to add additional paths to index (e.g. /usr/include).
Does not regenerate and reindex the tags file on save.