This extension contains a build task which allow you to use DocFx to build a static documentation site.
If you wish to manually control the version of DocFx, you can install DocFx on the agent by downloading the package from the site above and add docfx.exe to the system's path. If you are using a hosted build agent or wish to always grab the latest version of DocFx, this extension will grab the latest version from NuGet. This requires that the build agent has connection to nuget or is configured against a private NuGet repository that hosts the docfx.console package. See Create DocFx Documentation below for additional information.
Go to your Visual Studio Team Services or TFS project, click on the Build tab, and create a new build definition (the "+" icon) that is hooked up to your project's appropriate source repo
Click Add build step..." and select Create DocFx Documentation from the Utility category
Configure the Create DocFx Documentation to point to the location of your docfx.json file in your project
Click the Queue Build button or push a change to your repo in roder to run the newly defined build pipeline
Your DocFx project documentation will now be generated
Allows you to download DocFx or use a preconfigured one to build documentation project. This task includes the following options:
Project File(File path, required) - The relative path to the docfx.json file needed to build your project.
Use Custom Template(Boolean, option) - Select this option if you want DocFx to use a custom template to format your site.
Template Location(File path, required if using a custom template) - The relative path to the folder containing your DocFx site template.
Advanced Options
DocFx Options(String, optional) - By default, the task builds with the following command:
docfx path\to\docfx.json
If you wish to change the way DocFx is called, use this field to override the defaults.
NuGet Configuration File(String, optional) - If you wish you change the behavior of NuGet based on a NuGet.Config file, use this value to provide a path to the config file on the build agent.