Coming to VS Code from light-themed IntelliJ products, I am missing the
cleanness and calm serenity of the UI.
So I am taking the feel of the WebStorm and with help of BlueprintJS colors
making a pleasant experience out of the editor's workbench.
Thoughts and goals
- There is no evidence that dark theme is easier on the eyes
- Reduce UX invasiveness
- Decrease contrast between UI elements, like toolbars, dropdowns, etc
- Reduce hovering interactions, so UI don't blink like christmas tree
Also customised some elements, that are not accessible via standard config.
Used Customize UI extension.
Add the following to your settings.json
"customizeUI.stylesheet": {
"div.composite.title": "background-color: #F6F7F9; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.15);",
"div.quick-input-widget": "border: 1px solid rgba(17, 20, 24, 0.15);",
".monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays > div:hover > .comment-range-glyph.comment-diff-added:before, .monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .comment-range-glyph.comment-diff-added.line-hover:before, .monaco-editor .margin-view-overlays .comment-range-glyph.comment-diff-added.multiline-add:before, .monaco-editor .comment-range-glyph.comment-thread:before": "color: [#999999]("