Celerik ScaffoldingAn extension to improve and speed up the creation of files in our projects. InstallInstall via Extension Marketplace UsageTo create files with our extension is necessary:
Config.json fileIn this file will be all the information of variables related to the template to create, in this file should be the variables to use, the expressions in case you want to use, and the indication if the creation of the template will be relative to the selected folder VariablesThis is an array in which each element corresponds to a variable that will be searched in the defined templates and will be replaced by the value entered by the user. Variables can be a string that will be replaced or an object with the variable name and a help message that will be displayed to the user. ExpressionsThe expressions are the variables previously defined but with some convention applied, the expression is defined by assigning the name as a key and an object with the variable to be used and the convention to be applied, for example, camel, kebab... The available options are: camel, kebab, lower, lowerWithSpace, pascal, snake upper, upperSnake, upperKebab, upperWithSpace isRelativeThis variable indicates whether templates will be created based on the selected folder. By default they will be created from the root |