Color Theme +This is a code editor theme with extensive syntax highlight and workbench color customization implemented. The entire color palette has been selected with a focus on offering usability over an extended period. This is a variation of the below theme with a different approach for the interface colors selected. Theme ScreenshotColor Theme + Ochre DarkColor Theme + Cyan DarkInstallation1 - Open the Extensions sidebar panel from within the Visual Studio Code editor window. 2 - Search for the theme in the extension marketplace search and then click the Install button. 3 - Enable the installed theme from the Color Theme drop down list. Share ExtensionPlease share this theme extension with others that might find it useful. Share To : LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook FeedbackPlease report issues related to this theme on the repository page. Author InformationThe author of this extension also posts other technology related information. Follow On : LinkedIn | Twitter The associated web site also contains further resources that might be of use. Web Site : Cecil Jacob - ( License & DisclaimerCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License This work is licensed under the terms of the license available below. License : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Recommended Custom SettingThe recommended setting for other popular extensions when used with this theme is below. Add Within Settings File - (