ctrl+ shift+ a |
workbench.action.showCommands |
Find Action |
ctrl+ tab |
workbench.action.quickOpenNavigateNext when:inQuickOpen |
Switch between tabs and tool window |
ctrl+ shift+ n |
workbench.action.quickOpen |
Go to file |
ctrl+ f4 |
workbench.action.closeActiveEditor |
Close active editor tab |
ctrl+ alt+ s |
workbench.action.openGlobalSettings |
Open Settings dialog |
ctrl+ a |
editor.action.selectAll |
Cut current line to clipboard |
ctrl+ x |
editor.action.clipboardCutAction when:!terminalFocus |
Cut current line to clipboard |
ctrl+ c |
editor.action.clipboardCopyAction when:!terminalFocus |
Copy current line to clipboard |
ctrl+ v |
editor.action.clipboardPasteAction when:!terminalFocus |
Paste |
ctrl+ d |
editor.action.copyLinesDownAction when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Duplicate Line or Selection |
shift+ delete |
editor.action.clipboardCutAction when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Delete Line |
ctrl+ enter |
lineBreakInsert when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Smart line split |
shift+ ctrl+ up |
editor.action.moveLinesUpAction when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Move Line Up |
shift+ ctrl+ down |
editor.action.moveLinesDownAction when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Move Line Down |
ctrl+ y |
editor.action.deleteLines when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Delete line at caret |
shift+ enter |
editor.action.insertLineAfter when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Start New Line |
shift+ cmd+ enter |
editor.action.insertLineBefore when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Start New Line Before current |
ctrl+ - |
editor.fold when:editorFocus |
Collapse |
ctrl+ s |
workbench.action.files.saveAll |
Save all |
ctrl+ = |
editor.unfold when:editorFocus |
Expand |
ctrl+ alt+ y |
workbench.action.sync |
Synchronize |
ctrl+ shift+ - |
editor.foldAll when:editorFocus |
Collapse All |
ctrl+ shift+ numpad_subtract |
editor.foldAll when:editorFocus |
Collapse all |
ctrl+ shift+ = |
editor.unfoldAll when:editorFocus |
Expand All |
shift+ alt+ a |
editor.action.blockComment when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
undefined |
ctrl+ / |
editor.action.commentLine when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Comment with Line Comment |
ctrl+ numpad_divide |
editor.action.commentLine when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Comment with Line Comment |
ctrl+ alt+ / |
editor.action.blockComment when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Comment With Block Comment |
ctrl+ alt+ numpad_divide |
editor.action.blockComment when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Comment With Block Comment |
ctrl+ shift+ alt+ j |
editor.action.selectHighlights when:editorFocus |
Select All Occurrences |
ctrl+ w |
editor.action.smartSelect.grow when:editorTextFocus |
Extend Selection |
ctrl+ shift+ w |
editor.action.smartSelect.shrink when:editorTextFocus |
Shrink Selection |
ctrl+ f |
actions.find |
Find |
ctrl+ shift+ f |
workbench.view.search when:!searchViewletVisible |
Find in Path... |
ctrl+ r |
editor.action.startFindReplaceAction |
Replace |
ctrl+ shift+ r |
workbench.action.replaceInFiles |
Replace in path |
f3 |
editor.action.nextMatchFindAction when:editorFocus |
Find Next |
shift+ f3 |
editor.action.previousMatchFindAction when:editorFocus |
Find Previous |
alt+ j |
editor.action.selectAllMatches when:editorFocus && findWidgetVisible |
Select Next Occurrences |
alt+ shift+ j |
cursorUndo when:editorTextFocus |
Unselect Occurrence |
alt+ j |
editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch when:editorFocus |
Add Selection for Next Occurrence |
alt+ / |
editor.action.triggerSuggest when:editorHasCompletionItemProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
undefined |
ctrl+ space |
editor.action.triggerSuggest when:editorHasCompletionItemProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Basic Code Completion |
ctrl+ p |
editor.action.triggerParameterHints when:editorHasSignatureHelpProvider && editorTextFocus |
Parameter info (within method call arguments) |
ctrl+ alt+ l |
editor.action.formatDocument when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Reformat Code |
ctrl+ alt+ l |
editor.action.formatDocument when:editorHasDocumentFormattingProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Reformat code |
ctrl+ alt+ l |
editor.action.formatSelection when:editorHasDocumentFormattingProvider && editorHasSelection && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Reformat selected code |
ctrl+ b |
editor.action.goToDeclaration when:editorHasDefinitionProvider && editorTextFocus |
Go to Declaration |
ctrl+ alt+ b |
editor.action.goToImplementation when:editorHasImplementationProvider && editorTextFocus && !isInEmbeddedEditor |
Go to Implementation(s) |
ctrl+ shift+ i |
editor.action.previewDeclaration when:editorHasDefinitionProvider && editorTextFocus && !inReferenceSearchEditor && !isInEmbeddedEditor |
Open Quick Definition Lookup |
alt+ enter |
editor.action.quickFix when:editorHasCodeActionsProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Show intention actions and quick-fixes |
alt+ f7 |
editor.action.referenceSearch.trigger when:editorHasReferenceProvider && editorTextFocus && !inReferenceSearchEditor && !isInEmbeddedEditor |
Find Usages |
ctrl+ f9 |
workbench.action.tasks.build |
Build Project |
alt+ shift+ f10 |
workbench.action.tasks.runTask |
Select Configuration and Run |
alt+ shift+ f9 |
workbench.view.debug |
Select Configuration and Debug |
shift+ f9 |
workbench.action.debug.run when:!inDebugMode && !terminalFocus |
Debug |
shift+ f6 |
editor.action.rename when:editorHasRenameProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Rename Symbol |
shift+ f6 |
renameFile when:explorerViewletVisible && filesExplorerFocus |
Rename File |
ctrl+ n |
workbench.action.showAllSymbols |
Go to Symbol |
ctrl+ g |
workbench.action.gotoLine |
Go to Line |
ctrl+ shift+ n |
workbench.action.quickOpen |
Go to File |
ctrl+ shift+ j |
editor.action.joinLines when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Smart line join |
ctrl+ e |
workbench.action.openRecent |
undefined |
ctrl+ z |
undo |
undefined |
ctrl+ shift+ z |
redo |
undefined |
ctrl+ shift+ backspace |
editsHistory.moveCursorToPreviousEdit |
undefined |
ctrl+ shift+ al+ backspace |
editsHistory.moveCursorToNextEdit |
undefined |
ctrl+ |editor.action.jumpToBracket |
undefined |
ctrl+ shift+ alt+ k |
git.pullFrom |
undefined |
ctrl+ f12 |
workbench.action.gotoSymbol when:editorTextFocus |
File Structure Popup |
ctrl+ alt+ shift+ n |
workbench.action.showAllSymbols |
Go to Symbol |
alt+ left |
workbench.action.previousEditor |
Go to previous editor tab |
alt+ right |
workbench.action.nextEditor |
Go to next editor tab |
alt+ left |
workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious when:terminalFocus |
Select previous tab (Terminal) |
alt+ up |
workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious when:terminalFocus |
Select previous tab (Terminal) |
alt+ right |
workbench.action.terminal.focusNext when:terminalFocus |
Select next tab (Terminal) |
alt+ down |
workbench.action.terminal.focusNext when:terminalFocus |
Select next tab (Terminal) |
shift+ escape |
workbench.actions.view.problems when:problemFocus |
Hide active or last active window (Problems) |
shift+ escape |
workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility when:!editorFocus && !terminalFocus && !problemFocus && !inDebugRepl |
Hide active or last active window (Sidebar) |
alt+ f12 |
workbench.action.terminal.focus when:!terminalFocus |
Opens and focuses corresponding tool window (Terminal) |
alt+ f12 |
workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal when:terminalFocus |
Close corresponding tool window (Terminal) |
shift+ escape |
workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal when:terminalFocus |
Hide active or last active window (Terminal) |
ctrl+ alt+ left |
workbench.action.navigateBack |
Navigate Back |
ctrl+ alt+ right |
workbench.action.navigateForward |
Navigate Forward |
ctrl+ f4 |
workbench.action.closeActiveEditor |
Close Active Editor Tab |
shift+ alt+ tab |
workbench.action.focusPreviousGroup when:editorFocus |
Goto previous splitter |
alt+ tab |
workbench.action.focusNextGroup when:editorFocus |
Goto next splitter |
alt+ insert |
workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile when:!editorTextFocus |
Generate code... |
ctrl+ f8 |
editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint when:editorTextFocus |
Toggle Breakpoint |
ctrl+ shift+ f8 |
workbench.view.debug |
View breakpoints |
f9 |
workbench.action.debug.continue when:inDebugMode |
Resume Program |
f7 |
workbench.action.debug.stepInto when:inDebugMode |
Step Into |
f7 |
workbench.action.compareEditor.nextChange when:textCompareEditorVisible |
Next difference |
shift+ f7 |
workbench.action.compareEditor.previousChange when:textCompareEditorVisible |
Previous difference |
shift+ f8 |
workbench.action.debug.stepOut when:inDebugMode |
Step Out |
alt+ f8 |
workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl |
Evaluate Expression... |
alt+ f8 |
editor.debug.action.selectionToRepl when:editorTextFocus && editorHasSelection |
Evaluate expression (selection) |
alt+ f9 |
editor.debug.action.runToCursor when:inDebugMode |
Run to Cursor |
f9 |
workbench.action.debug.continue when:inDebugMode |
Resume program |
f8 |
workbench.action.debug.stepOver when:inDebugMode |
Step Over |
cmd+ f2 |
workbench.action.debug.stop when:inDebugMode |
undefined |
cmd+ k cmd+ i |
editor.debug.action.showDebugHover when:editorTextFocus && inDebugMode |
undefined |
ctrl+ q |
editor.action.showHover when:editorTextFocus |
Quick Documentation |
shift+ escape |
workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal |
Hide Active or last Active indow (Terminal) |
cmd+ c |
workbench.action.terminal.copySelection when:terminalFocus && terminalTextSelected |
undefined |
ctrl+ shift+ enter |
acceptSelectedSuggestion when:editorFocus && suggestWidgetVisible |
Complete Current Statement |
shift+ ctrl+ enter |
editor.action.insertLineAfter when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly && !suggestWidgetVisible |
Start new line |
ctrl+ f1 |
workbench.action.showErrorsWarnings when:editorTextFocus |
Error Description |
ctrl+ backspace |
deleteWordLeft when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Delete to word start |
ctrl+ delete |
deleteWordRight when:editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Delete to word end |
ctrl+ numpad_add |
editor.unfold when:editorFocus |
Expand code block |
ctrl+ - |
editor.fold when:editorFocus |
Collapse code block |
ctrl+ numpad_subtract |
editor.fold when:editorFocus |
Collapse code block |
ctrl+ shift+ numpad_add |
editor.unfoldAll when:editorFocus |
Expand All |
f2 |
-editor.action.rename when:editorHasRenameProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
undefined |
f4 |
editor.action.goToDeclaration when:editorHasDefinitionProvider && editorTextFocus |
Edit source |
ctrl+ alt+ shift+ up |
editor.action.dirtydiff.previous when:editorTextFocus |
Previous Change |
ctrl+ alt+ shift+ down |
editor.action.dirtydiff.next when:editorTextFocus |
Next Change |
ctrl+ k ctrl+ k |
git.commitAll when:!inDebugMode && !terminalFocus |
Commit to V |
ctrl+ shift+ k |
git.pushTo when:!inDebugMode && !terminalFocus |
Push to VCS |
ctrl+ shift+ alt+ k |
git.sync |
Update Project from VCS和远程仓库同步 |
ctrl+ alt+ m |
editor.action.codeAction when:editorTextFocus |
Extract Method |
ctrl+ alt+ v |
editor.action.codeAction when:editorTextFocus |
Extract Variable |
ctrl+ alt+ shift+ t |
editor.action.refactor when:editorHasCodeActionsProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly |
Refactor this (selected expressions or statements) |
alt+ numpad0 |
workbench.actions.view.problems |
Activate Messages window (Problems) |
alt+ numpad1 |
workbench.view.explorer when:editorFocus |
Open corresponding tool window (Explorer) |
alt+ numpad0 |
workbench.actions.view.problems |
Activate Messages window (Problems) |
alt+ numpad3 |
workbench.view.search |
Open corresponding tool window (Search) |
alt+ numpad5 |
workbench.view.debug when:editorFocus |
Open corresponding tool window (Debug) |
alt+ numpad5 |
workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility when:!editorFocus |
Close corresponding tool window (Debug) |
alt+ 9 |
workbench.view.scm when:editorFocus |
Open corresponding tool window (Git) |
alt+ 9 |
workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility when:!editorFocus |
Close corresponding tool window (Git) |
alt+ numpad9 |
workbench.view.git when:editorFocus |
Open corresponding tool window (Git) |
ctrl+ alt+ f |
workbench.action.toggleFullScreen |
Toggle full screen mode |
ctrl+ alt+ s |
workbench.action.openGlobalSettings |
Open Preferences... |
ctrl+ ` ctrl+ ` |
workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal |
Opens and focuses corresponding tool window (Terminal) |
ctrl+ ` g |
workbench.view.scm |
显示git |
ctrl+ ` escape |
workbench.action.terminal.kill |
停止当前的终端实例· |
ctrl+ ` ` |
npm-script.run |
限制可执行的npm scrips |
ctrl+ ` e |
workbench.view.explorer |
显示文件管理 |
ctrl+ ` x |
workbench.view.extensions |
切换到扩展 |
ctrl+ ` d |
workbench.view.debug |
debug |
ctrl+ alt+ s |
workbench.action.openGlobalSettings |
Open Settings dialog |
ctrl+ alt+ shift+ s |
workbench.action.tasks.configureTaskRunner |
Open Project Structure dialog |
enter |
list.select when:explorerViewletVisible && filesExplorerFocus && !explorerResourceIsFolder |
Open Highlighted File (Explorer) |
ctrl+ shift+ f12 |
workbench.action.maximizeEditor |
undefined |
ctrl+ right |
cursorWordEndRight when:!terminalFocus |
undefined |
ctrl+ shift+ right |
cursorWordEndRightSelect when:!terminalFocus |
undefined |
ctrl+ left |
cursorWordLeft when:!terminalFocus |
undefined |
ctrl+ shift+ left |
cursorWordLeftSelect |
undefined |