highlight READMEHighlight extension for visual studio code: Allow the user to get vulenrability informations about its installed dependency. Features=> Connection to Highlight API => Retrieving dependency from pom.xml file => Displaying each dependency vulnerability list for the current version => Displaying global counter of vulneraibility for the whole dependency RequirementsYou need to have an Highlight account to get connected to this extension (API connection required) Extension Settings=> No specific settings Known Issues=> N/A Release Notes=> Fixing display results global page => Selecting a workspace automatically triger the research of pom.xml and package.json file => Retriving automatically dependency from pom.xml and package.json file => GetComponent information from the API (Highlight) => connection with highlight account implemented => Future connection with only hightlight token implemented => Future standalone page for specific dependency implemented 1.0.0=> Fixing display results global page => Selecting a workspace automatically triger the research of a pom.xml file => Retriving automatically dependency from pom.xml file => GetComponent information from the API (Highlight) => connection with highlight account implemented => Future connection with only hightlight token implemented => Future standalone page for specific dependency implemented 1.1.0=> Adding the detection of "pacakge.json" configuration file => Adding path to the file configuration 1.1.1=> Fixing vulnerability counters on "package.json" dependecies => Fixing Dependecies versions on package.json detection |