CareEvolution FHIR ToolkitThis extension provides a toolkit for working with FHIR bundles. FeaturesThis extension adds a FHIR Resources tree view to the primary sidebar. It shows you all of the resources that appear in the FHIR bundle in the active window. If you click on a resource identifier in the tree, we scroll to and highlight that resource in the bundle. The extension includes the following commands accessed via the command palette (View -> Command Palette... or Ctrl + Shift + P): FHIR: Compare active file with... Lines up 2 bundles side-by-side and sorts the resources and their properties so that you can compare them and see what is similar and what is different between them. To use this command do the following:
FHIR: Minify bundle Removes all the extraneous white space from a FHIR bundle to make it as small as possible. This is useful if you're sending your bundle to an API that has a size limit. RequirementsTo compare 2 FHIR bundles, have them both open in editor tabs. Known IssuesNone currently. Release Notes1.0.0Initial release Contact UsFor questions or more information visit CareEvolution or email Enjoy! |