This is a Visual Studio code extension. Useful for listing all your customised terminal commands in a tree-view mode.
How to use
Install the extension "tree-cmd" from vscode extensions.
Create a "config.js" file.
const config = {
// Your Extension title
title: "Build Services",
// This function should return list of commands in object - nested objects is supported aswell
// i.e tree-view-items
getTree() {
return {
"develop": {
"ide-server": {},
"test-file": {},
"watch": {},
"scan-folder": {}
"build": {
"do-check": {},
"build-file1": {},
"copy-files": {}
* Event that is fired when the selection has changed
* @param {object} res - {key, parent}, where "key" is the clicked item name in string
* And the "parent" is the parent node - if any in string
* @param {function} createTerminal - createTerminal(options: TerminalOptions): Terminal
* Creates seperate terminal.
* Terminal API: Create Terminal: Create a terminal
* Terminal API: Hide: Hides the most recently created terminal
* Terminal API: Show: Shows the most recently created terminal
* Terminal API: Send Text: Sends echo "Hello World!" to the terminal
* Terminal API: Send Text (no implied \n): Sends echo "Hello World!" to the terminal explicitly indicating to * * not add a \n to the end of the text
* Terminal API: Dispose: Disposes the most recently created terminal
* See vscode extension API for detail
* @param {object} showMessage - fire message on vscode window
* showMessage API::
* const showMessage = {
* information( message ) {
* return vscode.window.showInformationMessage(message);
* },
* warning( message ) {
* return vscode.window.showWarningMessage(message);
* },
* error( message ) {
* return vscode.window.showErrorMessage(message);
* },
* status( message ) {
* return vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage(message);
* }
* };
* }
onClickItem(res, createTerminal, showMessage) {
// Do your logic here
// Example:
if (res && res.parent) {
const label = `${res.parent} ` + res.key;
if (res.parent === "build") {
showMessage.warning(`Is doing build!`);
// It creates and opens a separate terminal window
const terminal = createTerminal({ name: label });
// commands to run in the terminal
terminal.sendText(`cd c:`);
terminal.sendText(`do-check ${res.key} -v`);
// display the terminal window;
// export
module.exports.config = config;
Open tre-cmd setting and point the "config.js" file path.
If you change any text in "config.js" hit the refresh button on tree-cmd top panel.
Extension Settings
Tree-cmd > Settings: Config -> Configuration ".js" file path to be use in tree-cmd.
Tree-cmd > Settings: Title -> Tree view title ( can be configured inside config file ).