Where a component is created in the components folder.
Where a context api is created in the contexts folder.
In the box provided, type the name of the component, which may vary as follows:
A simple name, example: counter
A component or context is created respectively, the name entered is the folder and within that folder an index.js|jsx|tsx.
Several names separated by commas, example: counter, header, footer
A component or context is created respectively, the names entered are separated into folders and within each folder an index.js|jsx|tsx.
Names separated by periods are compound words, example: app.web, header.counter, etc.
If the name (s) are a period separating it means that your initials will be in uppercase, example: AppWeb, HeaderCounter and the others name follows the same PascalCase nomenclature, exemplo: Counter, App, etc.
Name with numeric initials will not be accepted
Example names: 1Header, 2Web are not accepted