This project is forked from the https://github.com/SamVerschueren/vscode-yo project upstream. UsageInside VS Code, press Sub-GeneratorThe plugin also supports sub-generators. If a plugin has multiple generators, a list with all the available generators will pop-up. The default generator is marked by a ★. Pre-requirements
The FutureThere are several places we would like to improve this Yeoman extension going forward, including improving validation in the Command Palette input box, and potentially installing new Yeoman generators directly. However, we see a working extension as the first step! If you like this tool, be sure to let us know! We’d love to hear what features you might want to see next as we continue to expand its capabilities. LicenseMIT © Sam Verschueren for initial code at https://github.com/SamVerschueren/vscode-yo MIT © bfitzpat |