Doc4meTyping " All generated files will be stored on a 1. Doc 4 me the whole projectWill generate a single markdown file for each code file in your project that is target by the app (you can change which files to target in the extension configuration). In this markdown file will be written in plain english (or another language, since the prompt is also configurable) an explanation about the code. A markdown file containing an explanation about the whole project will also be generated. 2. Doc 4 me the current directoryWill generate documentation for just the files stored in the directory of the file the use is currently reading. The markdown explaining the whole project will not be generated. 3. Doc 4 me the current fileAs you might guess it by now, will generate documentation for just the file the use is currently viewing when the command is called. 4. Ask a question about the current fileOpens up an input box in which the user will be able to ask any question about the contents of the currently viewing file. The answer will appear on a popup box, but also on a file named 5. Calculate BillingAt each command execution the extension stores the amount of input and output tokens on a |