Basic Plus Syntax FormattingBasic Plus Syntax Formatting is a Visual Studio Code extension designed for developers using the Basic Plus language (.bp, .bpi, .bpm files), commonly used in Clev3r LEGO EV3 programming. This extension enhances the readability and formatting of Basic Plus code by providing rich syntax highlighting and customizable themes, making it easier to work with control structures, methods, strings, comments, and more. FeaturesSyntax Highlighting: Automatically highlights keywords, methods, strings, and control structures, including If, For, While, Sub, and Function. Custom colors are applied for different code elements for better code readability.
RequirementsNo external dependencies or configurations are required. This extension works out-of-the-box for Basic Plus (.bp, .bpi, .bpm) files in VS Code. Extension SettingsAt the moment, this extension does not add additional configuration settings within VS Code. Future versions may introduce customizable options for syntax coloring and more advanced formatting controls. Known IssuesSubroutine Highlighting After Thread.Run: Subroutines following the Thread.Run = assignment may not always be highlighted correctly due to the current limitations of pattern recognition. We're actively working to improve this feature. If you encounter any issues with syntax highlighting or formatting, please report them on the GitHub issue tracker. Release Notes1.0.0
Enjoy coding with Basic Plus Syntax Formatting! |