butterfly READMEassignment 1a Create a responsive web page which shows the ecommerce/college/exam admin dashboard with sidebar and statistics in cards using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Keyword : ^butterfly1a How to code : just create an html file and use keyword How to run : Golive assignment 1b Write a JavaScript Program to get the user registration data and push to array/local storage with AJAX POST method and data list in new page. Keyword : ^butterfly1b, ^butterfly1bform, ^butterfly1bscript How to code : create 2 html files display.html, form.html create 2 javascript files display.js, script.js use keywords- display.html --> ^butterfly1b display.js --> ^butterfly1b form.html --> ^butterfly1bform script.js --> ^butterfly1bscript How to run : Golive on form.html assignment 2a Create version control account on GitHub and using Git commands to create repository and push your code to GitHub. How to perform :
create a repo on github
create a folder in ur machine and open it in git bash
use assignment 2b Create Docker Container Environment (NVIDEIA Docker or any other). Keyword : ^butterfly2b How to code : create a simple hello world program create Dockerfile --> ^butterfly2b How to run :
Write command on terminal, assignment 2c Create an Angular application which will do following actions: Register User, Login User, Show User Data on Profile Component How to code :
create angular project by
app.component.html --> ^butterfly2cAppComp app.routing.ts --> ^butterfly2cAppRouting auth.service.ts --> ^butterfly2cAuthService home.component.html --> ^butterfly2chome home.component.ts --> ^butterfly2chome register.component.html --> ^butterfly2cregister register.component.ts --> ^butterfly2cregister login.component.html --> ^butterfly2clogin login.component.ts --> ^butterfly2clogin profile.component.html --> ^butterfly2cprofile profile.component.ts --> ^butterfly2cprofile How to run : assignment 3a Create a Node.JS Application which serves a static website. Keyword : ^butterfly3a How to code :
create a folder run go inide that folder and run How to run : node serve.js then go to localhost:8000 and then localhost:8000/display.html Assignment 3b Pre-requisites: step 1: Create project folder and initialize Node: step 2: Install express, mongoose wait.......
step 3: Create folder models and file [ step 4: Inside folder models create file [ step 5: Run the code [ step 6: Open MongoDB Compass and create new connection and connect it. We see our database step 7: Open step 8: Open Postman and create new collection and add a request.
Note: While sending requests also check the changes in mongoDBCompass
assignment 4a Create a simple Mobile Website using jQuery Mobile. How to code: create a file index.html --> ^butterfly4a How to run: golive cc1 create 2 files main.py and app.yaml main.py--> ^butterfly1cc for app.yaml paste this code runtime: python27 threadsafe: true handlers:
How to run: py "path of devapp_serve.py" "path of ur folder" cc2 create 4 files main.py, app.yaml, index.html and error.html main.py--> ^butterfly2cc index.html--> ^butterfly2ccindex error.html--> ^butterfly2ccerror results.html--> ^butterfly2ccresult for app.yaml paste this code runtime: python27 threadsafe: true handlers:
How to run: py "path of devapp_serve.py" "path of ur folder" FeaturesSaves ur ass Requirementsu must be close friend of a stupid guy who can waste hrs to code this insted of studying Extension Settingsjust install and ur ready to go Known Issuesnot any Release Notesthe poor developer worked really hard on this he would really appriciate a cadboury dairymilk silk Happy hacking!!! 1.0.0Initial release of abandoned butterfly |