easy-date-insert.lastOfMonth : Insert the last day of the month.
easy-date-insert.nextFriday : Insert the date of the next Friday.
easy-date-insert.nextMonday : Insert the date of the next Monday.
easy-date-insert.startOfNextMonth : Insert the date of the first day of the next month.
easy-date-insert.insertDate : Insert added days from today.You can choose the unit of days, weeks, months, and years.
Date format
You can choose the date format from the following.
You can set the shortcut key for each command.
// Your keybindins.json
// example for tommorow command
"key": "cmd+shift+d",
"command": "easy-date-insert.tomorrow"
// You can set another command in the same way.
Release Notes
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.