Crashlands 2 EditorThis extension provides a set of tools for creating and editing content for the game Crashlands 2, by Butterscotch Shenanigans. ⚠️ This extension will not be of any use to anyone outside of the Bscotch team. It is public for convenience and for public interest, but its feature set is built on top of a bunch of internal tools and processes that are not public. If you're interested in learning more about the development of Crashlands 2, check out the studio podcast. ⚠️ FeaturesStory EditorCrashlands 2 quests are organized by "Storyline". This extension reads the GameChanger data from Crashlands 2 and provides a tree view of the Storylines and their Quests. The GameChanger data is highly structured JSON, described by JSON Schema-like structures. This extension creates a text-based view of Quest "motes" from the GameChanger, converting back and forth between the JSON and the text representation, to provide a good editing experience for narrative-focused content. Spell CheckWe use a LOT of made-up words, and we want to avoid duplication of effort in maintaining a glossary for both spell check and localization. To that end we have the Bscotch String Server, where we manage our strings and glossary. To enable spell check, log into the Bscotch String Server via the command: "Crashlands: Activate Spell Check" and log in via the prompts. Syntax HighlightingFor syntax highlighting, you'll need to add some settings to your User Settings JSON file. You can identify the scope names in the editor via the command palette with the "Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes" command. Example highlighting settings you'd add to your User Settings file (open in the command palette with the "Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)" command):