A wrapper around ts-jmbg for Visual Studio Code.
Quickly check of string is valid JMBG and generate random JMBG in multi-cursor selections.
In sidebar there will be JMBG item that allows:
Validation and decode of selected string from editor
Random generation of JMBG
If only one word is selected, the vscode-jmbg.validate will validate string. If there is no selection, vscode-jmbg.validate will take current cursor word and validate string:
Command - Validation
For each multi-cursor selection vscode-jmbg.generate-random will insert new random generated JMBG:
Command - Generate random JMBG
Note: Please read the documentation on how to use multiple cursors in Visual Studio Code.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl/Cmd+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install jmbg
vscode-jmbg.validate: Validate JMBG: Checks if selection is valid JMBG
vscode-jmbg.generate-random: Generate random: Inserts random generated JMBG on each selection (multiple cursors can be used)
Highlight Word Settings
Specifies the border color used & is changable to any valid CSS color value. For example here are a list of valid values: `'red'`, `'#FFF'` `'#FFFFFFF'`, `'RGB(255,255,255)'`, `'RGB(255, 255, 255. 0.5)'`
Specifies the width of the border in pixels For example: `'2px'`
Specifies the border style of the line. For example, here a a list of valid values: `solid`, `dashed`, `inset`, `double`, `groove`, `outset`, `ridge`
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