vscode-commentAdds simple jsdoc comments for the parameters of a selected function signature UsingIn a typescript or javascript file, select a function signature, ideally one that contains one or more parameters. Select the whole function signature then invoke the Add Doc Comments extension (open the command palette (F1 on Windows) and look for the command 'Add doc comments'. Hit enter.) 使用在该插件中,你可以通过点击鼠标右键,在参数名称上添加注释。或者在编辑器的右上角/Mac的touchBar上点击 💫 图标,就可以直接生成注释。不用再cmd shift p,执行命令,方便很多。 说明该插件fork自 https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-comment
The extension will parse the selected signature and add @param and @return tags for each parameter and any return type in the selected signature, directly above the signature. LimitationsThe extension does not support any other type of jsdoc tags. It only calculates @param and @return Parameter types are not inferred based on usage. If a type is not specified, empty braces {} are returned. |