Text Tools for VS Code
Swiss Army knife for text manipulation and selection. This extension provides 65+ commands to manipulate and select text in your files. The commands are available globally and ready to be used any time with any file. If you have text selected it will perform the actions in the current selections otherwise it will perform the action in the entire file.
Text transform commands
- Make Camel Case:
test string
becomes testString
- Make Screaming Snake Case:
test string
- Also available as Make Constant Case
- Make Dot Case:
test string
becomes test.string
- Make Header Case:
test string
becomes Test-String
- Also available as Make Train Case
- Make No Case:
becomes test string
- Make Flat Case:
becomes teststring
- Make Snake Case:
Test string
becomes test_string
- Make Pascal Snake Case:
Test string
becomes Test_String
- Make Camel Snake Case:
Test string
becomes test_String
- Make Kebab Case:
Test string
becomes test-string
- Make Screaming Kebab Case:
Test string
- Make Pascal Case:
test string
becomes TestString
- Make Path Case:
test string
becomes test/string
- Make Sentence Case:
becomes Test string
- Make Sponge Case:
Test string
becomes tEsT StRiNG
- Make Capital Case:
Test string
becomes Test String
- Make Lower Case:
Test string
becomes test string
- Make Upper Case:
Test string
- Make Title Case:
step-by-step instructions
becomes Step-by-Step Instructions
Text sort and filter commands
- Sort Lines Alphanumerically
- Sort Lines Alphanumerically Reverse
- Sort Lines by length
- Sort Lines by length Reverse
- Delete Duplicate Lines
- Delete Empty Lines
- Filter Duplicate Lines (In case you only want to know the duplicate values)
- Filter Duplicate Lines as New Document (same as above but result will be added in a new document)
- Filter Unique Lines (In case you only want to know the unique values and exclude duplicates: example:
a, b, b, c
becomes a, c
- Filter Unique Lines as New Document (same as above but result will be added in a new document)
- Delete Lines Matching... (Delete all lines that contains certain text or matches a regex)
- Filter Lines Matching... (Filter all lines that contains certain text or matches a regex)
- Filter Lines Matching as New Document (same as above but result will be added in a new document)
- Reverse Lines
- Randomize Lines
- Join Lines (Join lines using a specified delimiter)
- Split Text to Lines (Split a string to lines at the specified delimiter)
- Add Lines number with multiple formats: 1, 1., 1), 1.-, 1 -, 1:, Ordinal, Roman Numerals
Text encode and decode commands
- Base64 Encode
- Base64 Decode
- URL Encode
- URL Decode
- Encode Spaces: converts spaces to
- Decode Spaces: converts
to spaces
- Encode HTML Entities
- Decode HTML Entities
- HTML to Decimal Entities: Useful to obfuscate emails in HTML. it can be decoded with
Decode HTML Entities
- ASCII to decimal
- ASCII to Hex
- Text to Binary
- Binary to Text
- Text to ROT13
- Add Slashes
- Strip Slashes
- Smart Quotes
"I don't know you"
becomes “I don’t know you”
- Straighten Quotes
“don’t know what you mean by ‘glory’”
becomes "don't know what you mean by 'glory'"
- Single Quotes to Double Quotes
- Single Quotes to Backticks
- Double Quotes to Single Quotes
- Double Quotes to Backticks
- Quotes to Backticks
- Insert Non-breaking Space
Selection commands
- Select Lines Matching... (Selects lines that contains certain text or matches a regex)
- Select Words Matching... (Select all strings that contains certain text or matches a regex)
- Select All Ocurrences (grabs your currently selected text and will select all ocurrences in the file)
- Selection Align (Planned)
To learn more please checkout the examples below.
Wrap and Append/Prepend
- Wrap Each Line With... (for example:
, read more below.)
- Add Text At Beginning of Lines... (adds at the beginning of each line the text you entered)
- Add Text At Ends of Lines... (adds at the end of each line the text you entered)
Generate Commands
- Generate UUID
- Generate Fake Data (Names, Emails, Phones, Credit Cards, etc. Still working on it but definitely will be added)
- Generate Dummy File (Quickly create any file with any extension and size, read more below.)
Count Commands
- Count Words
- Count Characters
- Count Lines
- Add All Numbers (View the examples below)
- Substract All Numbers (View the examples below)
- JSON String Parse (Pretty print a JSON encoded string with support for serialized strings, this way you can easily print a serialized array from a database)
How to use the commands?
Easy, there are several ways.
- You can invoke the commands using the Commands Palette
- You can right click your file and you will see a "Text Tools" menu that contains all the available commands
- You can also configure a Key Binding for the command you use the most
Mastering commands with Matching
This is an advanced way to filter by entering a simple query or a regular expression, this works for command that includes in it's name Matching...
for example: Delete Lines Matching..., Filter Lines Matching..., Select Lines Matching, etc.
Here are some examples of how to use it.
Filter with a simple query
Having the following text, if we for example call the command "Filter Lines Matching..." and we enter gmail
it will leave only the lines that contains gmail
result will be:
Filter lines that begins with
To match lines at the beginning, when calling the command (for example "Filter Lines Matching...") we just need to enter our query starting with a ^
so if we enter ^ma
result will be:
Filter lines that ends with
To match lines that ends with, when calling the command (for example "Filter Lines Matching...") we just need to enter our query ending with a $
so if we enter org$
result will be:
Filter lines that DO NOT contain certain text
To match lines that do not contain some text, when calling the command (for example "Filter Lines Matching...") we just need start our query with a !
so if we enter !gmail.com
we are basically saying keep only lines that do not contain gmail.com
result will be:
Filter lines with regular expressions
You can use the power of regular expressions to filter lines for example if you filter using @we.+dogs\.org
we can return lines that have @we
followed by any amount of characters followed by dogs.org
result will be:
Select Ocurrences Matching
You can use this to quickly make selections by using a regex or regular text for example:
# Given the following code
class Foo(object):
def some(self, arg):
self.bar = arg
self.baz = arg + self.smth
def on_done(self, rx):
self.view = x
def on_change(self, rx):
self.view = x
We can invoque the "Select Ocurrences Matching..." and we can enter def
to select all ocurrences of def, we can also use a regular expression for example def (\w+)\(self, rx\)
this will select on_done
and on_change
If you use regex and there's capture groups then only the groups will be selected.
Wrap Each Line With
With this command you can wrap each line with any text you want, you can use $1
as placeholder to represent the line content, for example: <li>$1</li>
Duncan Prewett
Ernesto Gladi
Wava Fodor
Annamarie Dianei
result will be:
<li>Duncan Prewett</li>
<li>Ernesto Gladi</li>
<li>Wava Fodor</li>
<li>Annamarie Dianei</li>
Join Lines
You can join lines with any delimiter you want, for example, if you use a comma as delimiter.
Duncan Prewett
Ernesto Gladi
result will be:
Duncan Prewett,Ernesto Gladi
Split Text to Lines
You can split text with any delimiter you want, for example, if you use a comma as delimiter.
Duncan Prewett,Ernesto Gladi
result will be:
Duncan Prewett
Ernesto Gladi
JSON String Parse
Really usefull to pretty print some json string, for example:
{"name":"John", "age":30, "car":null}
result will be:
"name": "John",
"age": 30,
"car": null
It also works for serialized strings in case you grab the value from a database and quickly need to inspect it's content.
s:60:"{"product":"Awesome Product", "price": 200, "shipping":null}";
result will be:
"product": "Awesome Product",
"price": 200,
"shipping": null
You can easily add or substract all the numbers in your document, each value must be in it's own line, if the line contains other text it will be removed to leave only the numbers. Important: for now it only supports numbers with comma as thousand separator and dot as decimal separator
Price $2,000.00
Discount 40
result will be:
Generate Dummy File
You can create dummy files to test API's, file uploads, etc. The file will be created at the root of your project, with the filename and size provided. You can call the command from the command palette
or from the menu Extensions -> Generate Dummy File
The file name can be anything for example:
myfile (with no extension)
The file size can be written in multiple ways, it's case insensitive and spaces are ignored.
1500 (if only a number it's entered it will be interpreted as bytes so in this case 1500 bytes)
500kb or 500 kb or 500 kilobytes
200mb or 200 mb or 200 megabytes
2gb or 2 gb or 2 gigabytes
If you have one in mind do not hesitate to share it with us, if it can help a lot of people we'll surely implement it.
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Feel free to open an issue if you find an error, PR's are welcome.
This project was created by Biati Digital, if you find it useful please consider adding a review and share it with the world.