Open your manim in VSCode (replace with your manim file)
In the attached terminal, run manimgl NAME_OF_SCENE -se 155 (replace 155 with line number to start debugging). In the upper-right of your screen the manim interactive video should pop up
Highlight the "section" you want to run (In manim, a section is a comment (id) followed by a block of code )
Type cmd+shift+p "Checkpoint paste from vscode-manim" ( or default binding cmd+' cmd+r ). This will copy the selected code to the clipboard and send the checkpoint_paste() command from manim into the interactive window.
[X] Support checkpoint_paste() for interactive development
[ ] Port Grant's other sublime plugins from this repo (i.e., manim_exit, manim_recorded_checkpoint_paste, manim_run_scene, manim_skipped_checkpoint_paste, open_mirrored_directory), as useful
Local Development
(mostly for my own future reference)
Make changes to src/extension.ts then
npm run compile
vsce package # `npm i -g vsce` if not already installed
Install locally:
cmd+shift+p > "Extensions: Install from VSIX"