This is a collection of essential Visual Studio Code extensions I personally use for web development. This extension pack includes tools for JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, linting, and styling, as well as helpful themes and productivity enhancers. It is designed to streamline your development experience and improve your workflow.
What's New?
Version 0.0.2 Updates
Added new extensions for enhanced functionality:
nextnav.nextnav: Simplify navigation in Next.js projects with powerful utilities.
shardulm94.trailing-spaces: Highlights and removes trailing spaces in your files to keep your code clean.
usernamehw.errorlens: Displays inline errors and warnings to improve debugging visibility.
Extensions Included
This extension pack includes the following extensions:
Code Snapping & Styling
adpyke.codesnap - Screenshot code snippets.
be5invis.vscode-custom-css - Custom CSS for Visual Studio Code.
bracketpaircolordlw.bracket-pair-color-dlw - Colorize matching brackets for better readability.
bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss - Tailwind CSS IntelliSense for faster development.