bob-completionCompletion Addons for VSCode to get auto completion for bob.yaml files. Bob is a Polyglot build tool with the power to view distributed repos as a monorepo. FeaturesDescribe specific features of your extension including screenshots of your extension in action. Image paths are relative to this README file. For example if there is an image subfolder under your extension project workspace: ![feature X](images/feature-x.png)
What is BOB?BOB is a Polyglot build tool with the power to view distributed repos as a monorepo What we want to achieve
RequirementsVScode YAML extension needs to be installed on system before using this extension. If YAML extension is not installed, then launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
Extension SettingsInclude if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the For example: This extension contributes the following settings:
Known IssuesCalling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension. Release NotesUsers appreciate release notes as you update your extension. 0.0.4Initial release of ... 1.0.1Fixed issue #. 1.1.0Added features X, Y, and Z. |