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VSCode client extension for AWK Language Server.
[x] Syntax highlighting
[x] Diagnostics
[x] Autocomplete
[x] Builtins
[x] User defined symbols
[x] Hints on hover
[x] Builtins
[x] User defined symbols
[x] Go to definition
[x] Code outline & symbol references
[x] Document symbols
[x] Workspace symbols
[x] Rename symbols
[x] Code formatting (requires prettier-plugin-awk )
Syntax Highlighting
Syntax highlighting should work out of the box, but if you have issues with it make sure
that you have the following setting enabled either globally or specifically for AWK language.
"[awk]": {
"editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": true
Formatting requires prettier
and prettier-plugin-awk installed
either globally or locally in your workspace (in which case it's prioritized).
Formatting on save can be controlled with the following setting:
"[awk]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": true
To have support for AWKPATH
env variable provide it in your environment.
Here's just one example how this can be done:
AWKPATH=./include code .