GPT Pull Request Review Task for Azure DevOpsA task for Azure DevOps build pipelines to add GPT as a Pull Request reviewer. Table of ContentsInstallationInstallation can be done using the Visual Studio MarketPlace.
SetupAdd the GPT Pull Request Review task to your Azure DevOps build definition. Give permission to the build service agentTo use the GPT Pull Request Review task, you need to ensure the build service agent has the necessary permissions to contribute to pull requests in your repository. Follow these steps:
By following these steps, you ensure that the build service agent can interact with pull requests, allowing the GPT Pull Request Review task to work correctly. Allow Task to access the system tokenYAML pipelinesAdd a checkout section with
Azure Open AI serviceIf you choose to use the Azure Open AI service, you must fill in the endpoint and API key of Azure OpenAI. The format of the endpoint is as follows:
OpenAI ModelsIn case you don't use Azure Open AI Service, you can choose which model to use. The supported models are:
If no model is selected, How to UseInstall the extensionTo use the GPT Pull Request Review Task, first install the extension in your Azure DevOps organization.
Add the task to the build pipelineAfter installing the extension, add the task to your build pipeline.
Configure the taskOnce you have added the task to your pipeline, configure it.
Review Pull RequestsWhen the build is triggered from a Pull Request, the task will review it. If there is feedback on the changed code, the task will add comments to the Pull Request. If the build is triggered manually, the task will be skipped. LicenseThis project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE |