go-check might need you to include this bootstrap function in your test packages:
// Hook up go-check into the "go test" runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) {
type myTestSuite struct {
var _ = check.Suite(&myTestSuite{})
func (s *myTestSuite) TestSomething(c *check.C) {
// ...
quicktest and qtsuite might need you to include this bootstrap function in your test packages (given that your test suite struct is named myTestSuite):
// Register your test suite's functions as subtests.
func Test(t *testing.T) {
qtsuite.Run(quicktest.New(t), &myTestSuite{})
type myTestSuite struct {
func (s *myTestSuite) TestSomething(c *quicktest.C) {
// ...
Please kindly provide your feedbacks and/or suggestions by submitting a new issue in the extension's GitHub repository. 🍏