Workspace Shared Settings
- Have you ever need to use ${workspaceFolder} in your settings.json?
- Were you struggling to share settings with your team?
- Do you have multiple devices running different OSes and you need the same settings everywhere?
This extension is an answer to all these questions.
The long-awaited feature (since 2016 - issue) is finally here!
// .vscode/settings.workspace.json
// Using built-in variable:
"java.settings.url": "${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs",
// Using environment variable:
"": "${env:JAVA_HOME}",
// Using command substitution:
"tool.root": "/usr/lib/$(tool --version)"
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
Known Issues
This is just a proof of concept, but it already works as of today. PRs are welcome.
- Given property value
"$(echo \"Hello :)\")" will be parsed incorrectly as echo "Hello : so that the execution will fail.
Release Notes
- Added basic commands substitution with
$(command --flags) syntax.
- Added env vars substitution with
${env:VAR_NAME} syntax.
- Added a separate command to apply settings from
settings.workspace.json .
- Initial release of the extension - just a proof of concept.
- Add more substitutions.
- Ask to apply new workspace settings after changing/syncing the settings.workspace.json file.
- Show the diff between "current" and "future" settings.
- Add support for
workspace.local.json (or settings.local.json ) file, so that you don't need multiple extensions doing the same job.
- Show .gitignore recommendations.
- I18n.
- Tests.
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