Todo Plus is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides an easy way to view, manage and create todo items w/ metadata across a project. All default Visual Studio Code languages are supported out-of-the-box and any comment (single or block) that starts with TODO: will be picked up automatically by the Todo Plus Explorer (in the side-bar). Similarly starting/typing a comment in a document followed by TODO: will create a "Todo Plus" comment that can store metadata.
Key Features
Comments created while using Todo Plus will automatically store metdata in a todoPlus.json at your project root.
Reminders can be added to todos.
Custom metadata can be added to todos.
For todos created w/ Todo Plus, created and updated dates are preserved.
Additional language support can be added by editing user or workspace settings for Todo Plus - see todoPlus.languages setting.
Person + Computer + Visual Studio Code
Extension Settings
todoPlus.purgeObsoleteOnStart, defaults to true and determines whether obsolete items will be cleaned out from todoPlus.json
todoPlus.languages, custom language support can be added here.