Easily transform selected text into a useState hook in JavaScript/TypeScript and get autocompletions for the setter function! This extension streamlines React state management by suggesting setter function names as you type and by helping you quickly create useState hooks with inferred types from selected text
✨ Features
Auto-Suggest Setter Function for useState
Start typing a useState declaration, and when you enter const [stateVariable, , the extension will suggest an autocompletion for the setter function name.
Works for JavaScript and TypeScript files, including .js, .jsx, .ts, and .tsx.
Convert Selected Text to useState Hook with Inferred Type
Select any text, press CTRL + SHIFT + P , and choose "Add useState With Types".
Enter a name for your state variable, and the extension will auto-generate a useState hook with an inferred type based on the selected text.
🚀 Usage
Auto-Suggest Setter Function for useState
Convert Selected Text to useState Hook with Inferred Type
🔧 Requirements
Works with JavaScript/TypeScript in files with extensions .js, .jsx, .ts, and .tsx.